miercuri, 14 octombrie 2009

loans can help you, but when?

A loan can help you when you are in two situations: you need to buy something and you don’t have to money or , the best one for loans in my opinion, you need to invest and don’t have the money. The thing that connects them it is money, the thing that makes them different is the ussage of the money.

When you need to buy a car it enters in the first category, when you need to buy a house it enters in both categories, because houses can be made an investment but you can still loose money on them.

I only think that you should get a loan as an ivestment, but it comes a time when you really have to buy something or to pay something that isn’t really an investment. The definition of the term investment in this post: you “buy” something with money that will bring you more money when you “sell” it. As I said it comes a time when you really need to pay for something, like dental surgery, car repair, house repairs or you just want to buy the new macbook air. this things won’t bring you cash but will make your life easier. Before you can get things that make your life easier you should get some extra income so you won’t have to loan. I’m not agains loans, it is just that people tend to loan when it is not neccesary, if your car is working fine you should not get a loan just because you want a newer car, you should get a loan when you won’t have money to fix it. Banks and loans agencyes are, can and will make a lot of money on people with bad skills at economics.

Think before you act so you won’t make bad credit loans your new drug

miercuri, 7 octombrie 2009


 i find my self sometimes stuck.


This is my major question. How can I do it better, faster, nicer, greater. It is not all about the money. It is sometimes about the acomplishment. I really feel good when I get a thing done. The problem would be my life. Because when I get on to a job I don't let go until it is done. Maybe because it is how my father raised me. maybe it is about me and my selfesteam. I really do not know. Everytime I get involved into a project a forget about everything: family, girlfriend, eating, sleaping, even takin a bath. I get on the horse and never let go.

You will be thinking that this is wrong, but in my book this is the only thing that separates the succesful from the unsuccesful. 

Now people will start talkin about succes, do you really need it, do you really wanted, in my opinion succes is exactly like money, you wanted, you can get enought of it. But in the end it won't really help you that much.

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