luni, 11 aprilie 2011

How do you know?

How do you know that you are going to have a good and full life? This is impossible, but how do you know if you are going to get rich or not, this is so possible.
I do not mean extremely rich like some folks are, but just to have enough so you can buy anything you like and so you can go around the world and still have plenty more money to.
When you are willing to do almost anything for money that is where you are going to get. I do not know many people that are dead broke that wouldn't do anything for money. I do not mean here about a hooker or a drug addict, because those things have another issue about this. I mean about people that in day to day life are normal, and go to their jobs, but at night they like to go video chatting or blog writing, or article writing, or anything else that will make them to become more and more richer.
This is my idea and I do not say that it is the best , but all of those people that got rich worked a lot to get where they are, and they are still working to stay there
I don't know if you noticed by to stay rich you have to keep on working and working until the last day of your life!

joi, 7 aprilie 2011

Immediate payday loans at

The structure has changed now, tries to offer us Immediate payday loans , now we shall see if they can bring this to us. For those of you who are new in the industry and do no know what I talk about, the difference between payday loans and immediate payday loans is in the time that the approval shows, for a faster approval you must upgrade a server and use other scripts and so on, so the bandwidth from the website to the lenders can be large enough so there is no time wasted.
Immediate payday loans also means that you can have you money into your selected account into a couple of hours. This might be a problem if the lender doesn't have an account at that bank but they will manage.
Immediate payday loans will make your life better only if you afford to pay them back, if now, there will be consequences to pay. One of the worst consequence is that you will end up having a bad credit score at loans and the next time you apply for any type of loan you will have bigger interests. This bad credit score will be known by every bank and every lender that you enter in contact with, so if you apply for an auto loan or and mortgage you will have more to pay because you couldn't pay your payday loan.
Be careful , applying for a loan might seem easy, but paying the money back is the hard part!

miercuri, 16 februarie 2011

stocks and money

How many people that have lots of money don't have some money invested into stocks? Well I will save you the trouble by telling you that there aren't so many. So we can make a chart it will be like about 3%of the people that really have money haven't go investments into stocks. So I put in another way, stocks are a really good way to make some money if you have a good broker and if you are lucky or inspired you can get all of your money income from stocks.
I started investing into stocks when a friend of mine told me that he hasn't got any money into banks or other things and he invests all of his money into stocks. Stocks are generally going up more than bank interests, but if you are inspired you can double your money in less then a year or you can make them triple.
Of course do not take stocks for granted because you can never know when the market will go down again and you can be forced to let those money there for a pretty long time. Do not get me wrong, the stocks are sure investments, but... there always is a but.. you must invest as much as you can afford and you must be able to let those money there for more than a few years because you might never know what can happen with the market.
I hope this was a good money talk and we should see you all when we get rich :)

marți, 8 februarie 2011

feb 2011

I know I am a little late with the all happy new year and things like that but I've been a little busy and I neglected my blogs for a while, what I want you to know is that I did not forgot about you and I will not forget about you all that read this blog and find it interesting.
I would like to start by welcoming all of you into this great new year and to tell you that we must expect more from this than it really is, for example it has been two years from when I've started blogging and trying to make some good rankings with my sites and in the end I almost made it, Now I have to start it over again because I had some issues with the site and I had to sold it.
This will be a great year because we are a year older and so we are wiser and smarter and more careful because we learned from the past.
I hope this year that we will learn how to grow better and how to make greater business together, I hope that I will find new partners and in the end I will great a bigger sum of money for my site.
I hope this year I will not apply for immediate payday loans for bad credit and we all can be a little bit more happy about ourselves.
Best of luck to everybody

marți, 11 mai 2010

how are payday lenders doing?

To answer this question we must see the way things are going in our country.
The prices are going up for houses, this can mean only one thing, the crysys is almost over. We must be carefull not to get ahead of ourselves. We must consider that we must not spend money that we do not have. I guess people are reading this blog because it seams that payday loans got down a few procents. This means that people are not using small loans for long periods of time. Althought it shold seem as a bad thing for payday lenders, this is actually a god thing for the economy, ofcourse payday lenders will always exist because in this world there are som many people that can not help themselves whem it comes to applying for a loan, but some of the people now can stop using them.
I figure than in the next few years the things will start to look better and better. The only thing I hope is that we can stay on the track an not to fall again at least while I'm alive.

luni, 22 februarie 2010

joi, 11 februarie 2010

loans blog

I have made this blog so I can talk to people about the ups and downs on loans, the pros and cons, etc. By now many people have contacted me and told me that my way of thinking is not good, that without people taking so many loans there won't be an economical growth. So in my defense, if people take loans and are not careful with theyr finances they will end up loosing theyr houses and so on, and there will be another crysis. My opinion is this, lets loan only the minimum amount that we need, not the top, the lowest amounnt. Now again people will come to tell me that we need loans etc etc etc, I have never borrowed a cent, and I have saved money on my own, and I think that if you don't have money there are two things to blaim: you (for not beeing so smart as you think you are) and you (for not straighting your priorities).
There is no excuse for beeing poor, if you work hard and want to have big income you will surely get it, if you are lazy and stay on your back all day long you will end up on social assistance!